Focusing on quality, high technology and modern design, GREE , focuses on the technological development and refinement of products and production systems as well as on their rigorous quality control certified by international certification bodies.
GREE, taking the European environmental protection guidelines as a precursor, produces, creates and certifies environmentally friendly products.
Using high quality components and raw materials in conjunction with the quality control introduced, GREE produces high quality products certified by international certification bodies.
We offer five years of warranty on all parts of the equipment.
One in every three worldwide air conditioners is manufactured by Gree and rated Global No1 air conditioning manufacturer. Gree has nine production bases and its current air conditioning annual capacity is 60,000,000 sets of Residential (RAC) and 5,500,000 sets of Commercial (CAC). Gree has been rated by Forbes as Top 385 Global best company amongst 2000 companies above all other air-con competitors. Gree products are amongst the most technically advanced, efficient and environmentally friendly on the market today.
In line with the European Directive 2009/125 / EC and with a view to achieving 20/20/20 environmental targets by 2020, ie -20% of primary energy use, -20% of C02 and + 20% of renewable energy sources, home air conditioning units up to 12kW (42,000 btu / h) are subject to new regulations concerning their energy characteristics. Air conditioners are products that are directly related to the environment, both because of the energy they consume in their operation and / or their standby condition, as well as the energy and raw materials required during their production as well as the transport to the destination of disposal. The European Union, by deciding to step up checks on imported products with a view always to protecting the environment and to improve the information to consumers about products placed on the market, has forced the calibration of air conditioners on the basis of a new set of rules for the evaluation of energy performance. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and Seasonal Performance Ratio (SCOP) are considered to represent better the performance of its units throughout the year, as opposed to the previous measurement and marking, which concerned instantaneous performance. This new calibration measures the performance of air conditioners in many different conditions, unlike previous measurements that related with 1 point only.
The new way of calibrating the performance of air conditioners is reflected in the new energy label, which contains information on power, efficiency, annual cooling and heating consumption, and the machine noise level.
1. Brand
2. Energy Classification (Class) in Cooling Mode. A +++ the most efficient
3. Cooling design load (kW)
4. SEER: Seasonal energy efficiency ratio in cooling calculated as the ratio of annual cooling demand expressed in KWh / year
5. Annual electricity consumption in cooling mode in KW/ year
6. Indoor unit noise output (dB)
7. Outdoor unit noise output (dB)
8. Outdoor and indoor unit model code
9. Energy leveling in heating *
10. Design thermal load (kW) *
11. SCOP: Seasonal degree of energy efficiency in heating. It is calculated as the ratio of the reported annual heating requirement expressed in KWh / year to the annual electricity consumption for heating operation in KWh / year *
12. Annual electricity consumption in heating mode in KW/ year Annual electricity consumption in heating mode in KW/ year
13. European map divided in three energy zones.
The heating operation is divided in tree climate zones. The energy category SCOP refers to the medium zone.
Aiming to further development of energy performance and operational level, GREE uses all available technologies to the maximum extent. The new series for 2015-2016 meet the highest standards of the new legislation and surpass even the best energy classification classes, that is A + + + (Hansol Super DC Inverter Ecodesign series), through various embedded technologies.
The main technology for energy saving is electric motors DC Inverter driving technology. Achieving the ideal performance and consumption, compared to conventional fixed speed motors (on-off), the DC Inverter driving type results in adjusting consumption to the required conditions, thus saving valuable energy.
G10-InverterThe new patented driving technology, advanced solely by GREE, further exploits the low frequencies of rotation of the compressor, DC Inverter type, allowing the unit to operate even with rotational frequency of 1 Hz (very low). This means that the compressor does not stop, even after reaching the desired temperature, which results in further reducing intensive starts – stops and introducing new standards in comfort and reliability.
AllDcInverterGREE equips the new residential units with DC Inverter motors, not only in the compressor of the outdoor unit, but in some cases, also the inner and outer fan (fan motors). This results in better control of all unit motors, as well as an overall lower consumption.
A+++Combining these technologies and adopting an electronic expansion valve, to replace the classical capillary tube, the new air conditioners by GREE achieve energy rates up to SCOP 8,5, with an efficiency up to A + + +, .
*for the warmest climate zone, in which the Greece is included.